Ready for your own Web Site?
Here you will find all the resources you need for getting on-line with your business for FREE or very low cost.
You need a web site host, this is the company who provides you with space to place your web site so that it is available to the entire internet. There are two options here, Free space, these companies host your business but you have no control over the domain name itself so you may end up with something like http://members/
They also place a banner at the top of each of your pages or bug the hell out of your visitors with one pop-up ad after another. You've seen them, providers like geocities and hypermart.
They are a good starting point if you have a very limited budget or just want to give on-line selling a try.
Netfirms offers the easiest way to get a website on the Internet. In just a few minutes you can have a website up and running with all these FREE features: 25 MB Webspace , Domain Hosting, CGI-BIN Support, 24/7 FTP Access , Online Support, Catch-All Email , Promotion INSTANT ACTIVATION!
Click here
HYPERMART-business webspace,50 Megs,autoresponder for your e-mail address,
The disadvantage is a very annoying pop up screen
on every page with advertising.
ICE STORM-50 Megs space, page building tools, discussion board,guestbook, auto responders and very fast.
They too place a banner on each of your pages
There are a lot more free web site hosting services but these three are the most reliable and make starting out pretty easy. Keep in mind that you are sharing with a LOT of other people and they tend to be slow at times.
If you decide that the banners are not for you and you would like your own domain name like, simple and easier to advertise, you will need to spend a little money but your web site will be more professional looking, and you have total control on how it looks and what it contains. Getting placed with search engines is going to be a lot easier also as most will not even list the free web site hosts. For those of you who sell at on-line auctions, your own web site is great for hosting your auction photos. There is no need to fork out extra money for photos on your listings.
With hosting companies here again you need to be careful, the keys are to find a host who has very little down time and good fast support.
The first host I had was very inexpensive, only $5.00 per month, the site was down more than it was up and it took days to get any response from the so called "support team".
You can expect to pay in the range of about $20.00 per month for a service that provides a decent amount of web space and data transfer. Data transfer is something to watch out for, some companies offer you a huge amount of space but limit you to a small amount of transfer then they gouge you.
I have made a deal with a major hosting company for my web site regulars where I bought a huge block of web space and I divided up into 50 MB web sites where you can set up your own domain, with your name and your own on-line storefont and/or auction business.
Take A Look
We are starting an on-line class on building your own web site for Beginners. Check back as new courses will be added.
Web Site Course Part 1 .Web Hosting and Domain Names
Web Site Course Part 2 .Essential Tools
Web Site Course Part 3 .Learning HTML
Do you Have Your Own Domain Name Yet?
Get all your Graphics,Banners,Logos,Buttons,Icons etc at our
Webmaster Tools
Perhaps you are looking for a complete storefront,
Take a look at these,
All setup with shopping carts,secure servers and ready made templates.
Simply add your products and you are ready to go.