Preparing furniture for a new finish is a rewarding experience.
Knowing the proper use of chemical paint remover, and how to avoid
potentially adverse effects from overexposure, will make the experience
that much more enjoyable. Moreover, the confidence that comes
from such knowledge will no doubt have a positive effect upon
the quality of your work.
Listed below are some safety tips you should consult before and
during your refinishing project.
1. Read the label carefully. Familiarize yourself with
the safety precautions printed on the manufacturer's label. Refer
to it periodically during the project.
2. Provide maximum fresh air flow through the work area.
Avoid inhaling solvent vapors as much as possible. Take frequent
fresh air breaks.
3. Wear safety goggles while handling the remover. If any
remover gets into the eyes, wash with water. Keep your eyelids
open, even if you have to hold them open with your fingers. (Keeping
the eyelids open allows air in to evaporate the substance). If
burning sensation persists after about ten minutes, see a physician.
4. Cover all skin areas. Wear chemical-resistant rubber
gloves made of neoprene or butyl. Also wear long-sleeved shirt,
pants, socks, shoes, and a hat or cap (especially if you're working
at or above eye level). If any of the remover gets on the skin,
wash off with soap and water.
5. Avoid smoking. Don't work in an area where there is
a possibility of sparks or flames.
6. Open the container of remover carefully. Cover it with
a cloth and open the cap slowly to allow the gases to escape gradually.
Pour enough remover for your immediate working needs into a metal
can and replace the cap tightly. Repeat this procedure each time
you reopen the container. Store the container in a cool place
when not in use.
7. Don't store unused paint remover around the house. Buy
only what you need.
8. Keep paint remover and other household chemicals out of
the reach of children.
Any potential health risk from exposure to paint removing chemicals
depends on the amount and duration of exposure. Some physical
symptoms that indicate overexposure are eye irritation, dizziness,
light-headedness, and/or headache.
As soon as you experience any of these, take a break and get some fresh air. Do not resume the project until you have increased the ventilation through the work area. For your comfort and safety, take fresh-air breaks frequently
and leave the work site whenever you are not actually applying or removing stripper.
Other Possible Effects
A portion of inhaled methylene chloride in paint stripper is converted
by the body to carbon monoxide, which can lower the blood's ability
to carry oxygen. When the solvent is used properly, however, the
levels of carbon monoxide should not be hazardous.
Individuals with cardiovascular or pulmonary health problems should
check with their physician prior to use of the paint stripper.
Individuals experiencing severe symptoms such as shortness of
breath or chest pains should obtain proper medical care immediately.
Methylene chloride has been shown to cause cancer in certain laboratory
animal tests. Recent laboratory studies indicate, however, that the response is unique to animals tested and not relevant to humans. Available human studies, moreover, do not provide the necessary information to determine whether methylene chloride causes cancer in humans.
Nevertheless, it is prudent to minimize exposure to solvent vapors.
Setting Up Your Work Site
Selecting a Work Site
- The single most important consideration is the availability
of fresh air. The best location is outdoors, preferably in
a shaded area, a carport, or under some type of cover to shield
the work from the sun. The sun will speed up the evaporation of
the remover. A garage with windows and doors on two sides to create
adequate cross ventilation also can be used. Avoid working indoors
if at all possible.
- If you must work indoors, open all windows and, if possible,
all doors to achieve a strong flow of fresh air through the work
area. It is advisable to use forced ventilation (fan) to improve
the flow of fresh air. Because some removers are flammable, however,
be sure to read the instructions on the label before using a fan
as the friction between metal parts may spark and ignite the vapors.
The label is the key. It will advise you on proper ventilation.
- Do not allow children to play in the work area to avoid
exposure to paint-removing chemicals.
Set Up
When setting up your work area, it is a good idea to elevate the
work by using saw horses or some equally sturdy support. This
accomplishes two things:
- first, by having the work slightly above waist level,
you will reduce the chance of getting a backache that often comes
from prolonged bending;
- second, for best results, the work should not touch
the floor, I buy small disposable aluminum foil 6" baking pans at a local discount store and place them under the feet of the object I am stripping, the mess is caught in the pan making cleanup and disposal easy.
- After you finish a section, wrap the remover/old finish in
a thick fold of newspaper and place it outdoors, where the liquid
will evaporate more quickly.
- After each work session, place all other papers, rags, applicators,
and waste (old-finish residue) outdoors. Be sure to collect all
of the residue, as the old paint may contain harmful materials.
- When the liquid has evaporated (it typically evaporates very
fast), place all these materials into a metal container that has
a secure lid.
- You can then dispose of the material according to local waste
disposal requirements. Contact your local sanitation department
or waste disposal contractor for more information.
On to Stripping-Step by Step