Faux Finishing
The Basics
The Tools
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Faux Finishes...Glazing Technique
The process of glazing is simple: Roll on the glaze/paint mixture on to a base coated wall, then perform your faux finish technique by using a rag, sponge, brush or other tool to remove the glaze. Your base coat color will show through the glaze/paint color giving you a beautiful three dimensional effect much like parchment paper
Paint walls with a latex, egg-shell finish choose a light color.
Mix your glazing liquid as follows,this will vary with the brand you are using and you will want to adjust it according to how much of the base color you want to show thru.
Acrylic Glaze:
Select an acrylic paint color for tinting the glaze. This will normally be 1-2 shades lighter or darker than the base color coat.
Pour two parts acrylic paint and one part acrylic glaze into a bucket or large can if you're sponging or ragging on. Use five parts acrylic glaze and one part acrylic paint if you're dragging, stippling or striping.
Add one part water to dilute the paint, this can be adjusted depending on how porus your surface is. If your galze is "sticky" thin it somemore, if it is running down the wall before you can work it, use less.
Mix well. The glaze is now ready to apply to the wall.
Oil Glaze:
Select an alkyd paint for tinting the glaze.
Pour one part alkyd paint and one part oil glaze into a bucket or large can.
Add one part paint thinner. (For faster drying, use less oil glaze and more paint thinner.)
Mix well. The glaze is now ready to apply to the wall.
Apply glaze color from top to bottom. Work in 3-6 foot areas and just get the area covered for now.
Then once covered, break it up using "X" like strokes with the brush, this distributes it and helps to even it out some.
Pounce the entire surface evenly with stippling brush,
( this is any dry brush in a 3" or more,depends on what you are comfortable with, a special round brush is available in 6" and 7" dia.)
transforming glaze into a mass of tiny dots.
Twist your wrist side to side while stippling, this will allow you to create a very consistent look.
Thats it!!
Now that was pretty basic and you are feeling pretty good now so lets elaborate on this finish just a bit.
After breaking up the brush strokes created with the "X" pattern, take a crumpled piece of newspaper, full sheet,you want a nice big ball, and pounce it all over the coated area then immediately use your stipple brush to create the mass of tiny dots.
See, we added more depth to the finish giving it a 3 dimensional look.
TIP:...While using a stipple brush its a good idea to keep a dry rag in your free hand and from time to time give the brush a scrubbing to dry it out.
After allowing to dry this finish is quite acceptible as is. for walls or other surfaces that get a lot of wear and tear you can topcoat with a satin or semi-gloss varnish for added protection.