Getting ready to finish off that basement?
Got a ceiling in bad need of repair?
You might want to consider installing a suspended ceiling.
A suspended ceiling offers some real advantages over the permanent variety. First, it conceals obstructions attached to the underside of the joists, yet allows easy access for fixing pipes or adding wiring later on. Suspended ceilings are also better sound barriers than drywall ceilings and since you level the ceiling as you install it, the existing joists need not be level or even straight.
With a suspended system you can add insulation and install ceiling lights by simply removing an acoustical panel and replacing it with a special drop-in fluorescent fixture, you can even add a drop in that has a built in heating element.
Researchers at the NAHB Research Center found that heating a home with ceiling-mounted radiant panels produced energy savings of 33 percent compared to a heat pump and 52 percent compared to baseboard heaters.
Noise a big problem? There are special acoustical panels that help to control noise.
The face finish on panels extends from a soft flat decorative look to a hard plastic finish that can be washed using strong degreasing and cleaning solutions.
We have even applied faux sky and cloud finishes to ceiling panels giving an otherwise boring basement a whole new outdoors look and feel. The possibilities are endless.
Hard to do? Not really, you can figure that labor for an average room is appx 2 days and materials will run $300 - $400
depending on the cost of ceiling tile.
You'll need two special tools for this job — aviation snips and a water level. Aviation snips easily cut the light-gauge metals used to support acoustical ceilings; they're designed for maximum leverage and have a spring action that opens the tool after a cut's been made. A water level works on a simple premise — water always seeks its own level, so water contained in clear plastic tubing can be used to locate points around the room that are exactly at the same level.
Ready to get started? Lets move on to the actual Installation
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