We are your number one source for do it yourself home improvement help with tips and tutorials on all your home repairs, remodeling and redecorating. Our goal is to make your DIY projects easy, inexpensive,energy saving and rewarding. Nothing matches the satisfaction of a job well done.
You will find step by step instruction and money saving tips on all your do-it-yourself projects including...house painting, wallpaper, carpentry, home insulation, woodworking, electrical, plumbing, air conditioning and heating, flooring, masonry, concrete, wood decks, interior decorating, gardening, how to save energy, reduce your utility bills and more.
How-To Categories:
House painting, drywall,
woodworking, wallpapering....they may seem like harmless chores but don't
kid yourself there are plenty of hazards involved.
read over and practice good sound Safety.
Insulate with Paint Now you can add Insulation to any surface when you paint with Hy-Tech Insulating Additives for Paint